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Interactive Post 05


Frame it

Do stuff, get feedback, do more stuff​!

Do it MVP

While building an interactive story, it does not need to be perfect right away, so test it out and use the MVP (minimum viable product) approach. It's better to make your interactive story smaller and to launch it sooner, that way you can use your user's feedback as your benchmark. Get it out and show it off!


Once our story feels right and we are happy with our work, it's time to present it to the world. We start promoting it on social media and in UX groups. We send it to competitions and to “site of the day” websites such as FWA (favorite world awards), Awwwrds, CSSwinner.

Showcasing and Awarding Platforms 



Favorite world awards

FWA's mission is to showcase cutting edge creativity, regardless of the medium or technology used.




Showcasing Innovation

The awards that recognize the talent and effort of the best web designers, developers and agencies in the world.



CSS Winner

Site of the Day

CSS Winner is a unique global platform awarding and showcasing the best innovative websites.


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