Adding Creativity
to Your Concept
Once we have the first draft of the concept, it's time to run with your ideas and reach new heights. It’s time to find that “WOW effect” that will take your concept to the next level.
Now, It's time for your concept to evolve, for you to strengthen its connection to your story while searching for the “WOW effect” that will catch your users attention.
What is the “WOW effect”?
In one word the WOW effect is MAGIC, it’s anything that will take your story to the next level and excite your users. It should align with your concept and story. For example, if you want your story to convey humor your WOW factor should make your users laugh. ​
Use design, interaction, motion, and sound to create the appropriate WOW effect.
Exploring your concept
Finding the appropriate WOW effect for you can be hard. One tip I can share with you that will hopefully help you find the right WOW effect, is to explore your story through different points of interest, different styles, design languages, and interactions. Tailor your story and try out different concepts until you find a perfect match! ​
Start with exploring the most relevant fields relating to your story and slowly start expanding into other fields. Search for that extra something that goes beyond pure functionality - a unique, fun and cool experience that correlates to your story's concept. ​
The idea is to rethink the common practice. For example, is vertical scrolling is the best way to tell your story? How can the user interact and be part of his experience? How and where can we add gamification elements? How can we express the product’s unique personality? How do we express that personality through UX writing? Can we enhance the experience using animation and sound effects?
Ask yourself questions regarding the website’s behavior, value, structure, and meaning.
Back to your value
Once a possible match is found that can fit unique interactions, and design a language that can tell your story, then you can start to embellish your story with the WOW effect and figure out how to portray HARMONY throughout your story. ​
Below you can find some examples of websites that WOW me.
There are many online inspirational visual tools I use, such as Pinterest, Dribbble, Muzli, theFWA, Behance, Awwwards, FFFFound (does not exist anymore, but you can add ‘FFFFound’ to your Google search).
Below you can find more design inspiration tools, explore them.
Visual Design inspirations
Visual Design Magazines
WOW Effect Examples
Visual Design Magazines
News about creative